Customer hunting and tracking of intelligent online reservation systems.
Customer hunting and tracking of intelligent online booking systems

With online booking systems, many hoteliers suffer from commission payments. Since the internet has existed, official tour operators have had the problem of advertising for their customers.

Commission payments by hoteliers for online booking systems. Who pays for it?

Result of commission payments received from hoteliers for online reservation systems: The price is charged to the customer. On the other hand, clients "without knowing it" pay many commissions for their stay in any country.

Accommodation in the same room with high commission payments. It's the same stay! And why?

Accommodation becomes more expensive for both sides. Guests and hoteliers. Because these small agencies are not able to defend themselves against the online billionaires, and the big ones take the bread from the small ones, as soon as a customer is looking for a "hotel" or "holiday". Even the computer devices fool the customer's eye. 

Customer hunting and tracking of intelligent online booking systems. Result: Money losses for everyone!

How to take preventive measures? Just get active and don't be too lazy to search for hoteliers' contact details. All hoteliers have their own website but can't be found easily because the search engine marketing strategies cater to these billionaires first.

Save money on your hotel with us

In case of money loss for guests and hoteliers, you should choose official direct connection websites like us INN.TR to protect both the hotel and your customers' money from online booking fraudsters. Simply discuss our vision for mutual benefit in the field of tourism. You as a hotelier and your guests will save money.